In the Multiplayer mode of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, you can play as several operators, so many players are looking to unlock Ghost. He is one of the main characters in the game that also assists you in missions throughout the game. And he is a member of the SpecGru Operator faction. So in this guide let us check how to unlock Ghost in CoD MW2.

How to Unlock Ghost in CoD MW2

You can unlock Ghost for Multiplayer only by buying the vault edition of the game. Vault Edition of this game offers you many things and one of them is Ghost. The sad part is there is no other way to unlock him. So no amount of grinding or leveling up will unlock Ghost for you. Here is everything that you get with the Vault Edition of the game:

  • 4 Operators
  • Ghost
  • Soap
  • Farah
  • Price
  • Red Team 141 Operator Pack
  • FJX Cinder (First-Ever Weapon Vault)
  • Season 1 Battle Pass
  • 50 Tier Skips for the Season 1 Battle Pass

In case you already purchased the base version of the game, then you can still purchase the vault edition and upgrade to it.

  • Ghost
  • Soap
  • Farah
  • Price

So if you are wondering if the Vault edition is worth it, I’ll say it is if you plan on playing Multiplayer a lot. Not only do you get Ghost with it but also get the other 3 characters, along with all the other perks mentioned above.

But if you are not a very big fan of these 4 characters and are fine with playing as other operators then don’t worry you still have many characters to choose from. I suggest you check our guide on how to unlock all operators in this game to learn more about them.

That covers this guide on how you can unlock Ghost in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. If you are playing this game and want to get 2XP & other rewards I suggest you check our guides on how to get Jack Link’s Ghillie suit and redeem Little Caesars Rewards. And for help on topics like campaign walkthroughs, bug fixes, and more check out our Modern Warfare 2 Wiki.