Insect Glaives is a weapon type in Monster Hunter Rise that comes with different Kinsect Buffs. Kinsect is a special piece of equipment you can use with Insect Glaive. The best part of using it is you get an extra damage bonus, speed, and stronger defense. Kinsect also carries unique attack and damage types that can be highly useful during boss fights. To get more you can upgrade Kinsect’s which have their own unique upgrade trees. In this guide, we will discuss first how to get an Insect Glaive to build and how to use Kinsects.

How to use Kinsects – Controls guide

  • Rising Slash Combo – R
  • Thrust – L + X
  • Wide Sweep – A
  • Leaping Slash – L + A
  • Kinsect: Harvest Extract – ZR + X
  • Kinsect: Recall – ZR + A
  • Kinsect: Fire – ZR + R
  • Kinsect: Mark Target – ZR
  • Vault: ZR + B
  • Aerial Attack: Press X in mid-air
  • Jumping Advancing Slash: A
  • Mid-Air Evade: B
  • Skilbind Vault: ZL + X
  • Recall Kinsect: ZL + A
  • X > X: Rising Slash Combo & Double Slash
  • Red Extract X > X: Strong Rising Slash Combo & Strong Double Slash.
  • L + X: Command
  • With Red Extract L + X: Changes to Strong Thrust
  • X > X: Rising Slash Combo & Double Slash
  • With Red Extract X > X: Strong Rising Slash Combo & Strong Double Dash
  • With Red Extract A: Changes to Strong Wide Sweep
  • Silkbind Vault: ZL + X
  • Recall Kinsect: ZL + A

Insect Glaive offers you additional benefits compared to regular weapons. They are actually an insect that offers status buffs for which you will have to harvest monster extracts. To get the most out of Insect Glaive you will have to get Attack Extract from Kinsect. You can then switch skills to get more damage. The benefit of using this is powerful airborne attacks followed by combos. The above controls will help you to perform the same.

What is a Kinsect?

You can collect Extracts with Kinsect’s which comes in three types red, white, and orange. The type of extra relies on the monster body type. Additional effects also rely on the color of the extract.

  • Red: Boost’s Attack
  • White: Increases Speed
  • Orange: Knockback Protection

It is also possible to absorb a mix of colors and pull out an entirely unique powerful attack. It is a little tricky to understand but as you apply a few of them in the combat you will understand how Kinsect works in Monster Hunter Rise.

How to get Kinsect?

You will get two Kinsect at the beginning of Monster Hunter. Later you can buy more powerful Kinsect’s as you progress enough. Go to Smithy and you will unlock more Kinsects that you can apply to your weapon. You can upgrade Kinsect’s to get way more powerful buffs. You can increase their level up to 8 to get the best out of it. There are two types of attack, Severing, and Blunt Damage. And they come in three types which are already listed above. Speed type Kinsect charges on their own and they are mounted on the hunter’s arm.

When it glows in blue means it is fully charged. Dust type Kinsect leaves dust clouds and detonates when struck. They also have power, speed, and heal effects. This is why Kinsects are a highly useful weapon in Monster Hunter’s rise.

We will update more on Insect Glaive build in the coming time. Till then you can check our guides on the game like how to change the difficulty level, how to upgrade weapons, and a lot more.