Many Safari users initially use the program’s menu system for navigating the internet and performing other browser tasks, but using Safari shortcuts can save time and clicks. Here are a few of the most commonly used shortcuts for Safari on a Mac.

Safari Shortcuts for Moving Around on a Page

  • Option+arrow: Scroll page by a screenful, minus a small overlap.Command+up arrow or home: Scroll to top left corner of a web page.Command+down arrow or end: Scroll to the bottom left corner of a web page.Page up or shift+space bar: Scroll the page up by a screenful, minus a small overlap.Page down or space bar: Scroll the page down by a screenful, minus a slight overlap.

Safari Shortcuts for Navigating the web

  • Command+home: Go to your homepage.Command+[link on a web page]: Open the selected link in a new window.Command+shift+[link on a web page]: Open the selected link in a new window behind the current window.Option+[link on a web page]: Download a file.

Commands in Safari

  • Command+[number from 1 to 9]: Select one of the first nine tabs.Command+A: Select all.Command+C: Copy.Command+E: Use current selection for the Find feature.Command+F: Find.Command+G: Find next.Command+M: Minimize.Command+N: Open a new window.Command+O: Open file.Command+P: Print.Command+Q: Quit Safari.Command+R: Reload page.Command+S: Save as.Command+T: Open new tab.Shift+command+T: Reopen the tab you just closed.Command+V: Paste.Command+W: Close window.Command+Z: Undo.Command+shift+G: Find previous.Command+shift+Z: Redo.

Favorites and Bookmarks Shortcuts

  • Command+shift+D: Add a bookmark to the menu.Command+option+B: Show all bookmarks.Command+D: Add a bookmark.

Shortcuts for Views

  • Command+control+1: Show/hide Bookmarks sidebar.Command+control+2: Show/hide Reading list sidebar.Command+option+D: Show/hide Apple dock.Command+option+U: Show source code and other developer options (provided Show develop menu is enabled in Preferences > Advanced).Command+H: Hide Safari.Command+L: Open Favorites.Command+?: Load Help.Command+,: Load Preferences.

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