I am sure you have heard of these “Mac vs PC” debate and you are probably in one of these camps. This article is not meant to incite a flame war, but to update on the current situation of PC and Mac and helping you to decide which you should get for your next computer.

In this article, Mac refers to Apple Macintosh (be it MacBook Pro, Air, iMac or any other Apple manufactured computer) while PC mentioned here refers to any computer other than an Apple Macintosh, be it Dell, Hewlett-Packard, laptop, desktop, etc.



The biggest difference between Macs and PCs are the way they’re built. Apples are built to be all-inclusive and everything, right down to the screw, are controlled by Apple. The advantage of this is that Apple can control the quality of each machine sold to the customers. When you get a Mac, you can trust that the hardware is of a sturdy build.

PCs are more a mix and match machine. Be it laptop or desktop, there are thousands of different models that you can choose from, and each with a different build. Even for laptops with the same hardware specification, there are different models from different brands. The good thing about this is choices. You are sure to find a PC with the build you want at the price range you can afford. On the other hand, having too many choices also mean that there are too much noise that you need to filter away.


In terms of hardware stability, there is not much differences between a Mac and a PC. Both can last as long (or as short), depending on how you use and take care of it. Some people will argue that Mac can last longer than PC, but that is mainly personal opinion. I have seen PCs (laptops/desktops) that are around in 5 -8 years and are still running without any glitch.


For Mac, repair is not a straightforward task. You might be able to fix simple issue, but for major problems, you always have to go back to Apple’s Genius Bar or authorized Apple repair shop. Depending on how you see it, it can be both a bane and boon. Apple’s Genius Bar takes care of all the repair, so you know your Mac is in good hands. However, since they are not available everywhere, you might have to travel a distance away just to get your Mac repaired. In addition, after the first year of free warranty, the AppleCare Protection Plan doesn’t come cheap.

For PC, you can almost find a PC service center everywhere, and you’ll usually be able to find someone with a cousin, father, sister, or uncle who can fix it for you. Even if you need to change the parts, they are readily available.


Upgrading the hardware parts in Mac is difficult, to the point of almost impossible. The latest release of MacBook Pro and Air come with fixed soldered parts that you can’t change (easily) once it is shipped. Even for older Mac that are upgradeable, it will only work with specific parts designed for Apple computer, and not those parts you buy from any PC retailer.

Most laptops allow you to swap out the memory RAM and hard disk and for a desktop, you can even build the whole machine from scratch, using only the parts that you want and need. When it comes to upgrade, there are so many different ways that you can carry out.


OS X vs. Windows vs. Linux

All Macs run the OS X operating system while most PCs run Windows. Linux is used by a small group of home users and works in PC as well. For techs-enthusiasts, it is also possible to install Windows and Linux in Mac, or OS X in PC, though the steps can be very technical and if not done properly, the machine will be bricked. Windows and Linux can generally adapt well in Mac (hardware), but for OS X to work in PC, you have to use specific compatible parts.

The Mac OS X is generally said to be easy to use and pick up. However, the interfaces between OS X and Windows are completely different. If you are used to Windows, you will have start from scratch and re-learn how to use a computer.


Viruses attack is still a major issue in Windows. Not that OS X and Linux don’t suffer from virus attack, but the majority of the virus attack are targeting at Windows users. As we are moving our daily life to the Internet, more and more attacks are made via the browsers (hacking your password, getting your social information, stealing the files in your Cloud storage etc) and you will be affected regardless which OS you are using.

On the other hand, there are also plenty of solutions available to tackle virus attack in Windows. There are tons of anti-virus/malware apps that you can install and even if you are infected with virus, you can often find solutions easily with Google. For OS X, you don’t get virus attack so often, but when you are hit by it, the result is often devastating with little solutions available.

Gaming and Software

Games can be played, of course, on any operating system. But there are far more games developed for the Windows system than for Linux or OS X. Additionally, there are more peripherals and gadgets available for gamers using a Windows system. In fact the XBox system is made by Microsoft and its operating system is based on Windows.

Mac OS X can be used for gaming as well, but seriously, the performance is better in Windows.


I’ve been a lifelong Mac user, but it’s mostly because of my early start using computers. My introduction to computers was in the environment of a commercial printing company. Macs and their graphics were the best choice… at that time. Had I gotten my start now, things might have been different as the two sides, Macs and PCs, are much closer than they used to be.

As for you, when deciding whether to get a Mac or PC, it is best to first come with the list of things that you need to do with the machine. You can then decide which machine is more suited for your tasks.

Image credit: PC vs Mac Kids v2, PC Repair Newton Abbot

Laura has spent nearly 20 years writing news, reviews, and op-eds, with more than 10 of those years as an editor as well. She has exclusively used Apple products for the past three decades. In addition to writing and editing at MTE, she also runs the site’s sponsored review program.

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