Did you miss it? Well don’t sweat it, here it is, watch the Windows 8 Developer Preview event.

Yesterday the software giant, Microsoft, in an event focus in developers showcased a bunch of details of the next major release of Windows, which still code name Windows 8. The software maker also detailed new and exciting developers tools to help build applications for more than 1 billion people around the world that uses Windows.

In the keynote event Microsoft highlighted a variety of new features in Windows 8, including:

“We reimagined Windows,” said Steven Sinofsky, president of the Windows and Windows Live Division at Microsoft, in his keynote address to the thousands of developers in attendance. “From the chipset to the user experience, Windows 8 brings a new range of capabilities without compromise.”

  • The new metro style user interface
  • Apps that have the ability work together with other apps and Windows.
  • Sync across your devices using your Live ID and SkyDrive.
  • Improvements on performance, such as reduce of memory footprint even more on low end hardware; security, privacy and system reliability.
  • New Task Manager and Windows Explorer
  • New set of options for dual-monitor (multi-monitor) setups
  • New developer opportunities with the new Windows Store, where developers can create and publish apps for millions of Windows users to find and buy.
  • Super fast boot time
  • Support for ARM-based chipsets, x86 (as well as x32 and x64) devices.
  • Windows 8 always connected, turn on instantly, run all day on a single charge and stay connected to the internet.
  • Compatibility and much more!

Here is the video with the full coverage and with all the details about Windows 8:

Not available anymore!

  • Get the link to download Windows 8 Developer Preview

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